“The Decipher core value that resonates most with me is having the ‘courage to innovate’. As a company, we are always evolving and improving our products, processes, and approach to problem solving. Everything we do to innovate is driven by our creativity, culture of experimentation, and, inevitably, our failures. Decipher’s mission is to use the power of our data to create new and impactful talent solutions for our clients. To do that effectively we must completely and unabashedly embrace an innovative, unselfish, and flexible mindset. That’s why I see innovation and failure as being different sides to the same coin. And under this framework we can’t be afraid to make – and learn from – mistakes along the way.”
Greg is responsible for analyzing, organizing and managing Decipher’s internal and external data framework, maintaining the company’s data infrastructure, overseeing the firm’s data collection processes, and productizing the company’s unique data sets.
Greg’s perspective – and data – is often sought out by the business and trade media; he has been quoted by the American Lawyer, ABA Journal, The Recorder, Law360 and more.
Greg also counsels law firms on how to apply data into meaningful action; he provided the Legal Value Network with straightforward advice, Data-Driven Hiring: Five Critical Mistakes Law Firms Make.