Your business isn’t limited to North America, and neither is ours: Decipher Investigative Intelligence helps clients build and execute talent strategies across the globe.

With experience spanning six continents, our analysts are adept at navigating time zones and ensuring full compliance with international regulations, including the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

Decipher maintains a robust set of international data sources used to identify quality candidates and conduct reliable pre-hire due diligence —the latter of which becomes imperative when candidates could be located on the other side of the world.

Our international projects have surfaced serious concerns for potential new hires—and protected our clients from possible cost and risk. For example:

While conducting objective research for a project in the United Kingdom, Decipher identified a candidate who was actively involved in a matter pertaining to misconduct while serving with a government agency.

While conducting a search of a candidate’s previous involvement in legal matters, Decipher identified that a candidate had financed a lawsuit in an Indian Ocean territory with a view to sharing the disputed property if the lawsuit was successful. This information was not disclosed on the LPQ.

During the employment verification process for a project in Asia, Decipher identified several discrepancies associated with the candidate’s prior work history as listed on their LPQ, including incorrect dates of termination and firms with no record of the candidate’s employment. In a follow-up conversation with the firm, the candidate offered no satisfactory explanation.

International footprint

Countries where we have experience working include:

  • North America: United States, Canada, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Mexico
  • South America: Brazil, Venezuela
  • Europe: The Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Isle of Man, United Kingdom, Spain, Luxembourg, Italy, France, Switzerland, Belgium
  • Africa: South Africa
  • Asia: India, South Korea, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, China, Japan
  • Australia

Do you plan to hire international talent—or are you looking for a strategy to expand?

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